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Writer's pictureLina

Les mots rigolos

Updated: Aug 4, 2020

Il y a des mots qui sont vraiment rigolos dans la langue française ! Aujourd’hui, je partage avec vous quelques-uns de mes mots préférés :


Un discours incompréhensible (When someone says something that is confusing, disogranised and impossible to understand)

- Un charabia, le charabia, ce charabia

Exemple of sentence : "Q’est-ce que c’est que ce charabia ?" / "c’est du charabia !" = Je ne comprends rien !


Bouger, être instable (when an objet or a piece of furniture is moving, not stable)

Example of sentence : ça bringuebale ! (=ça bouge = it's moving) / ça bringuebale dans tous les sens ! (= ça bouge dans tous les sens- i'ts moving all around)

Synonmes : bouger, cahoter, tanguer


Drôle, marrant (when something, someone or a situation id funny and makes you laugh)

Example of sentence : c’est rigolo ! ( c’est drôle; c’est marrant = that’s funny!) / il est rigolo ! (il est drole, il est rigolo = he is funny !)


Meaning 1. Manger sans motivation, manger “du bout des dents’ (When someone is in front of his/her plate and eats without enthousasm)

Example fo sentence : "Arrête de chipoter et mange !" (When a child is not showing any motivation at dinner and eats very slowly or plays with the food with his/her fork)

Meaning 2. Faire des difficulté pour un rien (When someone is picky about a insignificant details)

Example of sentence : "Arrête de chipoter !" / "Tu chipote là !" (ie, when someone adjusted a painting because he/she wants it to be perfeclty aligned with some other paintings on the same wall)


Tomber (When an object or a person is falling off someting) – There is a very humour touch in this word as it looks like a cartoon image.

Example of sentence : " Ca dégringole (its falling) / il a dégringoler les escaliers (he fell off in the staircase)

Synonmes : tomber, dévaler, descendre

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